Natalie Chazal

Natalie Chazal

PhD Student

Oregon State University

I am a Wildlife Science PhD student in the Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab at Oregon State University. In my first year I will be working with ongoing projects focused on using machine learning methods to process preyscape acoustics data. Other future projects will include a scar analysis of the PCFG gray whales. This project will utilize drone imagery of gray whales and computer vision to categorize and assess the scarring patterns on the backs of these animals and use the longitudinal data available to correlate the scarring patterns seen on individuals to the risk level of certain areas.

Broadly, I’m interested in utilizing quantitative ecology and geospatial analysis to develop tools that will contribute to understanding the relationships between animals, humans, and our shared environments.

Through the focus of animal systems, I aim to discover and communicate the science necessary to provide conservation based management solutions for organizations involved in the maintenance and improvement of the beautifully elaborate interfaces between ecology and agriculture/mariculture.

Download my CV.

Download my Master's Thesis.

  • M.S. in Biological and Agricultural Engineering - Systems Analysis, 2023

    North Carolina State University

  • Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, 2022

    Center for Geospatial Analytics

  • B.S. in Animal Science - Veterinary Biosciences, 2021

    North Carolina State University

  • B.S. in Zoology, 2021

    North Carolina State University
